We have recently adopted two Lurchers from Judy at the Stray Dogs Sanctuary in Dorset.
Gypsy is a cream saluki x whippet and is the most adorable dog we have had the pleasure to own.
She settled well after traveling to the Island and once bathed our two male dogs settled down and stopped bothering her, she had, after all, just come out of season!

Whilst she was very happy, we felt something was missing, as she could run like the wind, but our Mastiff and Bullmastiff could not keep up with her, and she seemed to be getting fed up waiting for them !!
We asked if we could adopt Sugar, another saluki x whippet but this time, white and black, and again she had just had a season, so needed a bath, but was unbelievably nervous and was a challenge to even get to stroke.

However, she came home and had a bath, and immediately took to all the other dogs, but not particularly to us!!!
We had been warned not to let her off lead as she would run away, which we found to be true, but happily jumped into the back of the car when she got tired running.

Over the three weeks we have had Sugar, she has amazed us by changing her ways completely, she slipped her collar a couple of days ago, and I thought a long chase and lost dog was on the cards, but after she had run for as long as she wanted, she came back on calling, and went back on lead with no problems.
She now walks completely off lead for the majority of her walks, apart from a very small distance from the car to the field and back from the field.
We cannot thank Judy enough for trusting us to look after these beautiful dogs, who have given us such a laugh and pleasure, and have put a new lease of life into our two "Big Boys".
Damian Thomas